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  • Writer's pictureWann Fanwar

The Beauty and the Virus

In a world overcome by Covid-19 with the resulting 'lock-downs', life seems to have taken a leap for the worse. The numbers are astoundingly staggering. Success stories seem so few and far between. We see the sacrifices people make but also the selfishness of the human heart. Some countries have fared worse than others, while some have escaped serious harm. Overall, t

he picture is one of gloom and people are starting to tire of both the virus and its supposed preventative measures. National economies are in trouble and the gloom will linger long after the virus has passed. Nevertheless, if we open our eyes, we can still see the beautiful things around us. In my early morning walks around my house, I can still view the beautiful flowers which bloom at this time of year. Seeing these flowers reminds me of Jesus' statement that we should look at the flowers of the field and allow them to remind us of God's ongoing provisions. God will still be there to provide, in the midst of the viral attack and after it. The ugly virus cannot destroy the beautiful things God has surrounded us with. Enjoy the beauty of God's creation.

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