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  • Writer's pictureWann Fanwar

Parable of Foolish Wise!

Once there was a man who lived in a beautiful land. Life was good and the man lived well. One day something unexpected happened to turn the land upside down. An unforeseen viral attack decimated the land and left the man in dire straights. The authorities rushed to procure a vaccine to protect the people of the land and soon more and more people received their double shot which came with a vaccine passport in hard and soft copies. In the meantime, the man met some people who said, 'The vaccine is the mark of the beast.' 'What is that?' asked the man. 'Hello, where have you been? This is a prophecy in the Book.' 'The Book?' 'Yes, The prophecy says that if people do not receive the mark of the beast in their hand or arm, they cannot buy or sell.' 'That sounds serious,' thought the man. He made a snap decision that he will not accept the double shot. 'It is my right,' he argued. One day he went to a mall to purchase some much needed supplies. 'Where is your vaccine passport?' quizzed the security. 'I do not have one.' 'Then you cannot come in,' they said. 'But I really need supplies,' pleaded the man. All he got was an emphatic, 'SORRY!' As he walked away dejected, he remembered the earlier encounter and mumbled to himself, 'All because I did not get the mark of the beast!'

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