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  • Writer's pictureWann Fanwar

Is it safe yet?

Very very slowly certain countries, Thailand included, are starting to relax the lock down measures. At the same time, it is unclear if such a move is premature or a gradual return to normalcy. However, an even bigger question looms over us. When the lock down is truly over, will life ever be the same again? History has amply demonstrated that humans are incredibly resilient, but so is the corona virus we now call Covid-19. Some people are even speaking of a 'new normal' (whatever that means). One thing, very clear to me, is our complete dependence on technology, seen by some as a curse and others as a blessing. Only time will tell which is which. What I do know is this, without technology I would not have been able to continue teaching my students. What seems more likely to happen in my profession is that technology will play an even bigger role going forward. I have also learnt during this lock down that the technology is only as good as the user. For those who worry about AI overrunning the human world, I think we are safe for now. As a person of faith, I can see even more clearly that God's presence is the true cause behind our resilience. in the words of an ancient text, 'In him (God) we live, move and have our being.' I am certain that this reality will never change regardless of technological advancements or viral outbreaks. Not only is it safe, it has always been safe. He is a safe God.

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