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  • Writer's pictureWann Fanwar


Today should have been the first day of Songkran, Thailand's most important festival and also the Thai new year. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, last month the government cancelled Songkran. Yesterday was Easter Sunday for the Christian world but most churches also cancelled Easter. Here is the conundrum. Can we really cancel something? Or, are we simply cancelling its celebration (outward manifestation)? I suggest that we can never cancel a concept per se but only its celebration. Technically, Songkran as a concept still exists as does Easter. We may have been forced to cancel the outward

celebrations but we have not been able to erase the underpinning concepts. Those will continue through the pandemic and beyond it. Similarly, there are people who have 'cancelled' God but cannot cancel God himself. He will continue through every crisis and aeons after that. Perhaps we need to cling on to this reality more so now than ever. Stay safe and God bless.

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