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  • Writer's pictureWann Fanwar

Cake or Bread?

A casual glance at the picture may puzzle you. Is that a loaf of bread or is it a cake? A very good question and one that may be difficult to answer solely on the basis of the picture. One way to be certain is to actually eat a piece. Taste will tell us for certain whether it is cake or bread. However, there is a problem. You do not have access to the item; it is not within your reach. You can see the picture but you cannot taste it. The only way to be certain is to ask the baker (that would be me). I can tell you with complete certainty that it is fruit and nut bread. I can also vouch for the fact that it tastes like bread. It has all the characteristics of bread but looks

like cake. There are many things in life that may puzzle us and we wonder whether they are one thing or another. The only absolute certainty in such cases is to ask the creator. There are things which only God can confirm and when you are uncertain about issues in life, talk to God. He can clear up any puzzles in your life.

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