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  • Writer's pictureWann Fanwar

That time of year!

A few days ago, I had my last classes with Grade 12. Their high school days are almost up and they will sit for their very last exams and then it is graduation time. A unique experience at this time of year is a high school phenomenon older than I can remember. Through the generations different terms have been used for it and my students now call it 'friendship book'. I have written in a few of these 'friendship books' and expect a few more before graduation. What

is new for me is that at least two students had me write electronically. This exercise allows teachers to reflect on how they choose to remember their students; it was certainly so for me. What intrigues me is that some of these students are not ready to leave school yet; they wish they could stay longer. However, it is that time of year. They will leave and begin a new phase of life. I believe that God treats us in a similar way. He teaches us his ways and then allows us to strike out on our own to discover if his ways are indeed the best for us.

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