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  • Writer's pictureWann Fanwar

Smiling! But Scary!

A 9th grader in one of my classes was rather hyper during one period and so I decided to speak firmly to her to behave. For a few seconds she looked stunned and I wondered if I had spoken too harshly. Then she said this to one of her classmates, 'He is so scary because even when he is angry, he is still smiling.' I think this is a good perspective of God. There are times when an exasperated God pronounces judgement on his people; yet he never loses his heart for them. It is as if he keeps smiling even when he brings th

em under discipline. the Song of the Vineyard (Isa 5:1-7) is a good example of this. After pronouncing the nation of Judah worthy of desolating judgement because of their failure to produce good fruit, we read that Judah is still the garden of his delight. Something to ponder upon.

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